Sprouted, Vitality Oil GUT/Brain Smoothie

TYPED by Jane | Updated November 7, 2018
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Summer offers a beautiful bounty of fresh vegetables and fruit through our back yard gardens, local farms and CSA (community supported agriculture), then winter hits for most of us and our food options shift.

One of the best foods for our gut is live sprouts because they are full of beneficial bacteria and enzymes.

Why is this important?
Sprouts pack 4-40 times the amount of their full grown counter parts. This information comes to us from my new friend Elliott, who owns and delivers a pan of micro-diverse sprouts to us every week so we can make smoothies that boost our immune system in the winter months. Go read about what he offers here: Lake Forest Farms

If you don’t live near me in Chicago, here is how you can sprout on your own:
Growing sprouts in jars

Green Sprout GUT Smoothie
Serves 4-pint size mason jars
What’s needed:
1-banana (organic if you can)
1 cup of ice
1-2 drops of lime, orange or any Young Living Vitality oil of your choice. They come in the starter kit if you don’t yet have one, you can buy it from me here: Buy your starter oils here
2 cups coconut water-buy a brand that doesn’t contain sugar-check the label.
1-cup sprouts. We use the sprouts that we get delivered from Lake Forest Farms
You can learn how to sprout here
Put all ingredients EXCEPT THE ESSENTIAL OIL in the blender and blend for 20-30 seconds.

Pour the smoothie mix into glasses and drop 1-2 drops of your preferred essential oil into the glass. Stir and drink.

Benefits of this beverage:
Orange vitality oil-uplifting during the day, also supports a good nights sleep, great for gut and immune system. It may just make you laugh and be really happy so look out!

Lime Vitality oil-this oil make rock your groovy insides up to a whole new level. Strengthening to the respiratory and immune system.

Coconut water-natural electrolyte, high in potassium, magnesium, calcium, good for teeth, bones, may lower blood pressure, antioxidant rich, anti-aging, anti-cancer.

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